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Strains List is a site dedicated to bringing you all the information you could possibly need about the huge range of different cannabis strains available today. We have made it as easy as possible for you to find strains relevant to your needs and information about those strains. For instance, you can browse or search for strains according to their effects, their tastes, their terpene profile, the cannabinoid profile, and so on. Within the individual strain profiles, you can find detailed information about all of these (taste, effect, etc.), as well as information about the strain’s genetics, user reviews and related strains.

Mir hunn e engagiertes Equipe vu Mataarbechter, déi bestänneg drun schaffen, sécherzestellen, datt d 'Lëscht moment op dem neisten Stand ass, datt d' Informatiounen korrekt bleiwen. Datselwecht Team publizéiert och dacks Artikel op eisem Blog iwwer verschidden Aspekter vun der Cannabiskultur, verschidden Zorte, medezinesch Gebrauch vu Cannabis, a méi. Déi Artikelen sinn eng gutt Méiglechkeet, eppes iwwer Cannabis ze léieren, an et ginn ganz regelméisseg nei publizéiert. Kuerz gesot, d ' Lëscht vun den Zorte kann Iech alles beibringen, wat Se iwwer Cannabissorten wësse mussen, an Hinnen hëllefen, déi richteg fir Iech ze fannen.  

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Du bass op d ' mannst 21?

Mat dem Zougrëff op dës Säit averstane Si déi Kréien an ech Mengen.